Tough and tenacious, rugged yet technologically sophisticated, with phenomenal spin speeds and many cost saving and ecological advantages, modern washer-extractors definitely have their very important part to play in the modern laundry. Tunnel washers may well be the norm in giant linen rental operations but the washer-extractor is necessary and versatile requisite in all sectors.
Laundries rely heavily on washerextractors whether in their basic form, pocketed or unpocketed,or as barrier washers for healthcare considerations right up to units adapted for mat and mop washing as well as other specialist cleaning tasks.
“Washer-extractors are an integral part of any laundry, regardless of the size of the operation, and must be something that operators find to be reliable, effective and have the ruggedness to perform day in, day out in what is a harsh environment for all laundry equipment,” says Philip Ghosh, sales manager for Biko UK “
However, with current operating conditions and costs, we especially have to look at how we, as a machinery supplier, can help our clients to reduce operating costs in whatever way possible. No matter how big or small that change may be, anything that helps will be to the benefit of all concerned. Some of the ideas proposed by the laundries that have come up since we first started, can now be seen incorporated as standard in both our Sailstar and BWE machines and we will continue to work closely with our supply partners to try and improve both the machinery and service we offer to the industry.’
“When Biko UK was established in 2017, the decision was made to add washerextractors to the product range offered by the new company. While Biko Engineering AG in Switzerland, the parent company, adheres to offering the equipment that is manufactured by themselves, it was decided that for the UK and Irish markets a range of both open pocket and barrier washers would be a neat fit for the new business. Six years later and this has proven to be the correct decision with the Sailstar range of washer-extractors the most successful product line among the Biko UK portfolio.
“One of the best parts of working with both Sailstar and BWE, is that they listen to feedback from both ourselves and our clients,” says Ghosh. “This type of constructive information led to the creation of the Sailstar ‘Super’ spec machines which have proven so popular since they were fi rst introduced. Listening to what our clients wanted to see in a machine, this range was created fully loaded with a plethora of what would normally have been optional extras, now included as standard.”
Sailstar exports to more than 30 countries worldwide with major markets in North America, Europe, and Japan.
Meanwhile, Gemma Colomer of Domus tells LCNi: “We are entering into a lot of industrial and heavy duty laundries, which include hospitals and care homes, for two reasons:
- Domus heavy duty washers and dryers from 45-120kg have standard IoT connectivity and many efficient features
- These machines are designed with specific cleanroom options, made to order for each client. This includes barrier washers from 16kg to 100kg, and tumble dryers from 11 to 80kg.
“The efficient features of each range of equipment are our strong points and the most interesting issues when we visit an industrial laundry.” She says advanced technology, IOT and efficiency are the key points for laundries today. “People are really concerned about the consumption costs, to get a profi table business. They want to know how they can improve the workflow in their laundry, the efficiency and the numbers of their business, and this is what we advise to them, explain how they can make a more profitable laundry with our machines.”
Therefore, she says, Domus has developed a new state-of-the art product range with low consumption and high energy savings for their entire life span. “Efficiency is intelligence. Welcome to ECOVOLUTION by Domus”, sauys its website.
Colomer goes on to explain that when it comes to investing in new laundry solutions, the machines are the visible part of an iceberg but there is an awful lot more going on under the waterline. Domus pays attention to the part of that unseen part of the iceberg to optimise expenses, arguing that what matters is not the purchase price of a machine but the total cost of ownership during its life cycle.
Domus washer-extractors offer a high G factor for more effi cient spinning. It claims its DHS washer-extractor with its 500 G spin can reduce topical drying times from 45 minutes to just 25 minutes and offer a 50% energy cost reduction, low water consumption via Domus TOUCH II technology. On a 100% cotton towelling full load in a 28 kg washer its figures show consumption of just 6.6L/kg including pre wash, wash and three rinses.
Water savings are achieved by using the inbuilt weighing system which can make significant savings on part loads. Chemicals savings, meanwhile, are achieved via the TOUCH II microprocessor which allows configuration of the machine to levels to achieve chemicals savings as well as water and energy savings, no matter the load level. The lesser the load, the more the savings.
Water recovery is via Domus’ ECOTANK and ECOTANK XL. Ecotank XL is a new centralised tank that can be connected to one or more machines. Each tank is 1.000 litres, with 1 to 3 tanks available.
“In a DHS-80C TOUCH II washer we can achieve up to 56% water savings thanks to ECOTANK XL if we load 60% of the capacity with towels, in the washing machine alone it will use 656 litres but in a washing machine with Ecotank XL it is just 288 litres,” says Colomer.
As for energy, Domus claims it can achieve 12% electricity savings with the same load and ECOTANK XL. Washing machine on its own will use 21.37 kW/h and with the washing machine hooked up to an Ecotank XL you get 18.80kW/h, says Colomer who adds that the data is based on tests with an 80kg washer with a 60% load with towels.
A weighing system is an availabke option in DHS-11 to DHS-120. which will also bring great water, chemicals and energy savings, especially with partial loads, as it adjusts water and chemicals to the actual weight of the load. “In a DHS- 80C TOUCH II washer with 50% of the load we can get up to 70% water and 45% energy savings,” says Colomer.
Meanwhile sister comany Danube has installed a barrier laundry at Mirdif Hospital in Dubai with its local partner Magnarab. Danube says: “A poor washing process can lead to many points of infection, as they are in contact with the patient or resident at all times.
“We have barrier washer with different load capacities ranging from 27 to 70 kilos to meet different needs. In addition, they are equipped with the ET2 microprocessor, with a 7″ screen that allows efficient control of each wash and can be configured in 37 languages.
Danube’s sanitary barrier washers have been designed within strict hygiene and safety parameters, as hygiene must be ensured. To avoid contagion, the machines used for washing must comply with RABC standards to ensure the highest level of hygiene.
Meanwhile, over at at Girbau, Laura Planas explains that when working with busy laundries, productivity is essential for the proper functioning of the service. Girbau has placed itself as an expert in offering solutions for this type of business. From mainstream and commercial equipment to barrier washers and also machines that are well-adapted to processing mats and mops, they all have something in common: the necessity for high productivity provided by heavy duty machines.
Girbau’s washer-extractors are the definition of productivity and efficiency, claims Planas, “but what are the reasons that lead us to this conclusion”?
The GENIUS series presents the washers with, not only the highest spin speed on the market according to Girbau, but also the ones sustains it for the longest period of time. “That makes Genius the bestin- class washer-extractor in terms of efficiency in the laundry industry,” says Girbau, “turning your business into the most competitive and profitable laundry.
The increase in the number of washing cycles with a positive user experience and the indicators provided by the company’s 360° Vision software, also increases laundry turnover and efficiency.
Robustness and durability are key in any commercial laundry to avoid any downtime or unexpected expenses that low cost or semiprofessional machines can lead to. Genius has a longer useful lifespan,robust floating system and a waterproof and impact-resistant control screen.
The increasing importance of disinfection standards and sanitary measures in the healthcare sector is reflected in the importance of having tailored solutions. Girbau, as a global provider, individually caters the needs for any commercial laundry with focus on the healthcare sector.
Growing demand on specific type of washing processes calls for versatile equipment that can handle multiple needs that any commercial laundry may have. For example, washing mats and mops, delicate garments or highly technical uniforms, requires of washers extractors that offer highly customized programs. One of the main steps to take into account once a commercial laundry business is consolidated is to start automating, monitoring and optimizing processes. Thanks to Girbau’s Sapphire Monitoring System, says the company, you can manage and improve the efficiency of the laundry by implementing upgrades to the process. Gerda Jank of Jensen explains how its largest tunnel washer can handle up to 120 kg in one compartment, processing up to 5 tons of laundry per hour in a highly automated process. Nevertheless, the laundry’s customers may have linen that for various reasons cannot be washed or dried in the automated washroom section. Delicate linen, as well as contaminated pieces that can be infectious, need to be processed separately. For handling reasons, nursing homes may want to process their guests’ private garments in a process that is separate from the rental linen. That’s why Jensen also offers stand-alone washer-extractors and dryers for smaller wash loads that are a perfect complement to increase a laundry’s flexibility towards the end customer.
The JWE Jensen washer-extractor for small to medium volumes is available in loads ranging from 24 to 110 kg. Based on a very simple construction, these freestanding, high-spin machines (up to 360G) are high-performers. The minimum drum spacing allows a fast heating and reduces the water consumption down to below 10 l/kg on an average wash cycle. High-capacity inlets speed up the water ingress and heating. Residual water is quickly discharged through a wide drain valve, ensuring a smooth production process. Laundries can set up specifically desired washing programs with customized cycle times, water levels, temperatures, and spin speeds, allowing a variety of linen types and volumes to be processed. The washing and chemical programs can be set-up and copied fast and easily through the USB ports on the front of the machines.
The new JWE 270/600 washer-extractor is great news for laundries with big volumes, processing 270 kg at one go – a big increase from the previous largest capacity of 110 kg. In addition to being the largest washer-extractor offered by Jensen, it can also be integrated into a fully automated washroom. Thanks to its 12° two-way tilt and loading hopper, it can support both fully automatic loading and unloading. The JWE 270/600 offers easy process management. Delicate or heavily soiled linen can receive excellent washing results thanks to specialized washing programs with customized cycle times, water levels, temperatures, and spin speeds. Also, detergent is dispensed by actual linen weight for maximum wash control.
JBW Jensen barrier washer-extractors ensure the most reliable protection against the spread of germs and bacteria, as they prevent contamination of linen thanks to maximum disinfection. The washer-extractor is designed to be installed into the wall, allowing for the loading of the linen on the soil side and unloading on the clean side. Volumes can be easily adapted when the business grows, as the JBW is available in a range from 16 to 230 kg. All machines are designed to offer the highest quality of washing with minimum water, energy and chemical consumption, and thanks to the drum design that minimises space between the inner and outer drum, the amount of free water is remarkably low. This allows for the rapid heating of the water, while keeping the water, energy, and chemical consumption very low. The option of the Automatic Weighing System optimizes the loading of the linen and enables the automatic dispensing of water and liquid chemical consumptions according to the weight.
All Jensen washer-extractors are designed to ensure maximum safety of the operation and at the same time a user-friendly use of the machine. They come with a wide selection of options. A well-thought-out design and the use of advanced materials ensure longevity and a cost-efficient operation.
Complete aisle solution
Looking at a complete aisle solution, Kanegiesser, believes laundry operators looking for a revolutionary solution with maximum efficiency, minimum energy consumption and simple principles with phenomenal results can find it through the combination of its own PowerSwing washer-extractor, Lift Shuttle Conveyor and PowerDry dryer. This complete wash aisle solution perfectly balances cost-savings, performance and hygienic laundering in one package.
The PowerSwing is the ideal choice for laundry operations seeking simple principles and phenomenal results. The optimized loading and unloading system makes use of the rotatable inner and outer drum, allowing for efficient and fast loading and unloading. Due to its unique loading principle, maximum use of the drum volume is achieved, offerring larger loading quantities. Additionally, due to the variety of layout options available, the PowerSwing has seamless integration into any laundry facility, with loading possibilities such as a simple inclined conveyor, cart dumpers, bag systems and more.
The Lift Shuttle Conveyor is an intelligent batch transport system designed to synchronize and optimize the connection between the washing, extraction and drying process. It offers the highest effciency by reducing idle times and allowing machines to operate quickly and efficiently, thanks to quick acceleration and braking, using highend speed, and through intelligent signal exchange between the machines. This allows for a tailored link between PowerSwing washer/extractor and PowerDry dryers for the fastest possible laundry feed. Additionally, the Lift Shuttle Conveyor also provides added safety in the workplace, with its push-off points and side-mounted steel rails protecting workers from accidents. The Lift Shuttle Conveyor is the perfect solution for laundries seeking to maximize their efficiency, reduce idle times, and ensure safety.The PowerDry’s ECO2power option maximises efficiency and ensures minimal energy consumption with low required energy supply, highair recirculation proportion, optimal laundry fall curve, and exact dry-point recognition. Its optimized air flow and construction allows for a large opening in the outer cylinder, allowing constantly distributed heat to be evenly spread over the load in the inner cylinder at all times, reducing energy supply via the surface burner or heating coil. Additionally, its intelligent air recirculation system helps minimise the amount of exhaust and inlet air during the drying process, resulting in lower required heat supply and less energy consumed. This all combines to make the PowerDry the perfect solution for laundries seeking to maximize their efficiency, reduce energy costs, and ensure a sustainable solution. This successful combination of machines ensures the perfect balance between cost-savings, optimal performance and hygienic laundering for a complete wash aisle solution.
Anja Uranjek, head of sales and marketing at Krebe Tippo, well known and respected for its barrier washers which are used aroud the world, says: “Last year we equipped two Clean Room ISO 5 laundries and another will be equipped this year with more projects in the planning phase. We put a lot of strength into development in a product suitable for these kind of laundries which are at the highest level of hygiene (pharmaceutical and medical linen being processed there).
“These laundries are in Europe. We changed our standard barrier washers from mechanical and also electrical/ software point of view and created a completely different product this way. Products were custom made specifically to the needs of our esteemed customer.
“This year we will also put to market 516 Smart Drum concept where machines will be equipped with RFID readers and a data base to eliminate the risk of linen being lost or mixed. Not only CR laundries but general.
“We are extremely very proud of the level we reached with the development of our machinery to be able to satisfy the needs and demands of such an elite clientele of this business.”
Lapauw CEO Philippe D’Heygere says its washer-extractors are a valuable asset to laundries, especially when it concerns larger hospitality resorts where its 3-pocket machines bring some distinct features and advantages to the table.
Thanks to the separate compartments, large sheets and duvet covers can be processed in sufficient quantities with no entangling. This is a design feature that increases productivity greatly as the personnel does not need to disentangle the sheets after they come out of the washer, removing a process that is not only tasking for the operator but also has its impact on productivity and, thus, overall cost, when unloading the washers and when feeding the ironers.
The 3-pocket washer also increases productivity on another level, especially for OPL in larger resorts. Where smaller city and business hotels work with multiple small open pocket washers (due to varying working regimes, as the occupancy is variable and the clientele leaves at different times), large resorts have a more constant workload that negates the advantages offered by operating various small machines. Here, the 3-pocket washers offer the flexibility to wash different types of linen simultaneously in one machine. As long they have the same soil level and material (for example bath towels, face and hand towels and bath mats. With this procedure, the linen comes out of the washers presorted which increases productivity in the finishing aisle.
And, with its Mediwave range, Lapauw also offers barrier washers which fit into the increasing demand for hygiene,
Compact yet robust
Depending on individual requirements, for example washing special fabrics or dustmats, or depending on the layout of the laundry, a washer-extractor may be more advantageous than a continuous batch (tunnel) washer.
The Lavatec washer-extractors (35-270 kg) are characterised by their compact, robust design and reliable technology. If you are working with variable washing processes washer-extractors can provide a fully automated procedure and near silent operation.
Programme data and all parameters such as time, level, dosing, temperature, drum speed, reversing or cool-down can be displayed. One of many advantages of the washer-extractors is that all of the process functions can be manually controlled or adjusted. The single-motor inverter controlled drive has power in reserve both in the wash cycle as well as in the spin cycle to give the lowest energy consumption at any speed. The Lavatec washers provide high extraction rates and are robust and stable in operation for lifelong reliability.
Lavatec’s LX300 series of reliable pass-through washer-extractors offer outstanding productivity and are built to last many years. This cost efficient series offers six stainless steel machines ranging in capacity from 80 to 530 pounds, including the 250-pound LX325. These models feature a single inverter drive motor that applies power for the lowest energy consumption at any speed. The benefit is high extraction rates help reduce drying times. A user-friendly drum is also available in one, two or three pocket configurations.
Last year at the Clean Show in Atlanta, USA, Pellerin Milnor, introduced the the patented E-P Plus Control on its 80 lb (36 kg), 100 lb (45 kg), and 140 lb (63 kg) rigid-mount washer-extractors. This expansion allows laundries a wider variety of options to suit their unique needs. E-P Plus control is a robust yet value-priced control equipped with 30 pre-programmed formulas, including 10 options for eight different industries. Known for being comprehensive and easy-to-use, the EP Plus control allows operators to have advanced flexibility, increases productivity and reduces downtime.
The new 80, 100 and 140 lb rigidmount washers with E-P Plus feature 150 G-force, a superior cylinder design with industry-leading perforated open area to enhance wash quality and moisture extraction, Milnor’s exclusive RinSave® water and energy saving technology, and a continuously-welded rugged frame for durability.
Milnor’s NFPA 1851-compliant Gear Guardian washer-extractors and cabinet dryers will properly wash and dry your delicate gear allowing your firefighters to safely respond to emergency calls for service.
Milnor washer-extractors with its registered trade mark Gear Guardian formulas are specifically designed to decontaminate firefighter gear. Anyone can operate a Milnor Gear Guardian washer-extractor. Formula choices are clear. Just pick one of the 10 preprogrammed formulas and press the start button. Milnor’s line of T-Series washer-extractors offer a larger cylinder volume than most competitive sized washer-extractors which provides greater productivity. The result is more sets of gear washed per load. Our efficient and durable cabinet dryers with outstanding directed airflow ensure gear is dried quickly, saving valuable time.
Gear Guardian MilTouch control washers offer our optional GearTrace (both trademarked) feature. The GearTrace feature can track and report wash history for every barcoded gear item, assisting with NFPA 1851 guidelines on gear recordkeeping. These wash histories can be stored inside the MilTouch controller or the data can be exported out to other data management programs.
All Milnor Gear Guardian washerextractors comply with NFPA 1851 standards in maintenance and care of protective gear. Safe chemical injection can help you extend gear life. Chemicals are injected in the rear of the machine (unlike certain brands where chemicals are injected near the front of the machine at eye-level). Chemicals are diluted and flushed into the sump of the washerextractor so that raw chemical does not come in direct contact with the gear or the stainless steel.