Worldwide: A list of international speakers, well known as industry leaders, opens this summer’s convention of the International Drycleaners’ Congress (London, August 27 to 31).
The keynote speaker will be Peter Aepli of 5 à Sec who will talk on “An expanding business in a shrinking market”, while from the UK John Barber of Safeway, addresses the topic “Safeway stores: not just baked beans”.
Vadim Samokhavalov of SV Argus, Moscow will explain the Russian evolution.
Trade Association speakers include: Murray Simpson of the TSA on “Trade associations – leaders or followers,” and Theo LaGrange of CINET on “Trade association leadership in Europe”. Mike Palin of TSA will be asking “Care labelling – do we care?”, while Dr Mike Walker of ECSA muses: “Drycleaning in perc – why not?” Marty Brucato of De La Bourdonnais describes serving the fashion world from California to Paris.
William Pulley of Capitol Cleaners looks at “Changing times – the drycleaning industry in the 21st century”, Kaspar Hasenclever of Kreussler gives a personal vision of the future for textile care while Dr Manfred Wentz of IDC and TCI puts the question “How green are we?”