Saturday 3 March 2018 saw the first ever Launderers’ Livery Ball hosted by David Pantlin, The Master of the Worshipful Company of Launderers and his Lady, Susana Pantlin, pictured right.

The event was held in beautiful surroundings at The Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster Bridge and was attended by over 200 people from the laundry industry and associated trades.

The Master made a brief speech to welcome everyone and explained that as well as having a great time and promoting The Livery, the main purpose of the Ball was to raise money for his Charity this year, The Haven House Foundation in Woodford, London.

The Charity supports children with life limiting illnesses and their families. See what the Foundation means to the people it affects by viewing this positive video –

With the help of a riotous game of Heads or Tails, over £6,000 was raised for the Foundation after Alastair McCrae
managing director of The National Laundry Group offered to double the money collected.

The evening was a great success and The Master and his Lady proffer their grateful thanks to all who took part.

More information about The Master's Charity can be found at: Anybody wishing to make a donation to The Haven House Foundation is asked to contact Margaret Campbell, Clerk, Worshipful Company of Launderers, on T: 020 7378 1430 or by email at