JET, the French laundry and drycleaning show, has been extended from three days to four and will take place from 11 – 14 October at the Porte de Versailles, Paris.
This is the fifth edition of the show, held every two years, and the organiser reports that the 2011 exhibition had 80 stands and attracted 2,770 visitors.
The show is accompanied by a conference and this year each day will have a different theme. The Friday programme will focus on hospital laundry. Saturday’s event will look at independent laundries and textile rental businesses. The last two days will concentrate on drycleaning with the Sunday programme covering the role of perc and ways of improving the drycleaning image, while the themes for Monday are drycleaning shops and wetcleaning.
CINET, one of the show partners is also (International Committee of Textile Care) is also organising a series of events during the show including a discussion of Best Practices for Safe and Sustainable Textile Care. It will also be organising visits to drycleaners in Paris and also to two French laundries for members of its party..