The Textile Services Association has reminded members of revisions to health and safety regulations that should help businesses to comply more easily.
With effect from 1 October this year, the reporting of workplace injuries has been simplified and businesses will have greater flexibility in the way they manage and provide first aid training.
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 has been revised so that the classification of "major injuries" has been replaced with a shorter list of specified injuries and the existing schedule of 47 types of industrial disease has been replaced with eight categories of reportable work-related illness. Fewer types of "dangerous occurrence" now require reporting.
Under amendments to the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 training and qualifications no longer have to be approved by HSE.
Revised rules for reporting workplace injuries and first aid training
The Textile Services Association has reminded members of revisions to health and safety regulations that should help businesses to comply more easily.