SATRA’s annual income has passed £7 million for the first time, attendees heard at the UK technology centre’s annual meeting.
SATRA has the only UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) laundry and drycleaning facility in the UK and the largest UKAS-accredited furniture and bedding evaluation facility. It is also the leading Notified Body in Europe with test facilities for the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Directive.
The improvement represents an increase of 12% over last year, explained chief executive Dr Ron Whittaker. He said: “Our total staff level has now increased to more than 190 for the first time and the success of the organisation in recent years has been due to their skills, expertise, commitment and enthusiasm.” The surplus on revenue in 2003 of more than £500,000 is timely as the technology centre is investing heavily in new facilities and a £1.5m, 26,000ft2 extension is under construction at SATRA’s Wyndham Way site in Kettering.
It will be the largest investment in new facilities yet made by the technology centre, which has more than 1,500 members in 70 countries.
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