The blaze occurred in the early hours on Sunday 18 June, but the cause has not yet been confirmed. It was discovered by three delivery drivers and the building evacuated before the firefighters arrived. Six crews from surrounding areas took six hours to extinguish the fire in the eastern end of the depot at Preston Hall Industrial Estate.

The Preston Hall depot is separate from Fisher Services Cupar headquarters and the company also has plants at Perth and Aberfeldy. Managing director of Fishers Services, Victor Ward said: “Using procedures from the company’s business continuity planning, a response team set up at the site arranged for 24 hour operations at Fishers’ three other plants and agreed emergency processing at two Brilliant Laundry Group plants. Specialist cleaning teams were on site immediately and limited processing commenced on Friday 23. Services to customers were not interrupted.”

Fife Fire and Rescue Service group manager Iain Kelly said, “The fire started at the east end of the building and was virtually contained within the building, with only a small amount of breakthrough from the roof.” He said the cause of the fire was under investigation.