Senior Warden, Major Jack Strachan MBE was installed as Master Launderer of the Worshipful Company of Launderers on Monday 1 July at Launderers Hall in London.

Forbes MacDougall becomes Deputy Master, Kenneth Cupitt becomes Senior Warden and Sarah Lancaster is Renter Warden (main picture).

The installation ceremony at the Hall was followed by a dedication at the service at Southwark Cathedral, then a reception and dinner back at the Hall.

Prior to the Installation Ceremony, three new Liverymen were welcomed into the Worshipful Company.

They are Richard Wright CEO of Wearwell in Tamworth; Debbie Jones, national account manager at Girbau UK; and Steve Batchelor, a guest lecturer on asset management at Birmingham University.



Our picture shows (from left to right) Ken Cupitt, Richard Wright, David Pantlin, Debbie Jones, Forbes MacDougall, Steve Batchelor and Jack Strachan