CLI Enterprises, of Benton, Arkansas has won Ipso’s award for its USA distributor of the year for 2013.
Automated Laundry Systems of Burbank, California, received brand’s the top sales achievement award for 2013.
Ipso North American sales manager Kathryn Rowen said that CLI Enterprises was exemplary in its adoption of IPSO brand values and provided outstanding service to its customers.
Founded in 1981, CLI Enterprises has been an Ipso distributor since 2006 and serves Arkansas and western Tennessee. Owner Steve Shepard said:
"We have always strived to serve as a resource and partner to our customers to help them grow their businesses and succeed."
Automated Laundry Systems has been an Ipso distributor since 2009 and had the highest annual sales in 2013.
The awards were presented during Ipso’s 2014 product and sales training summit at the end of August.
AWARD: From left, Bill Bittner Alliance, CLI’s Steve Shepard, Kathryn Rowen of Alliance and Scott Johnson from CLI