Watford Launderers & Cleaners has cleaned up its waste problems and reduced waste handling bills by using a small baler to compact materials.

The family based business employs 185 people and handles around 250 pieces of laundry per week. Hotel work accounts for roughly 85 per cent of the workload and many hotels have their new linen orders delivered straight to the laundry for washing before use.

Items arrive packed in polythene bags, brown paper, cardboard and even in old discarded linen and the amount of packaging waste generated was causing problems.

Two 10 cu m skips a week were needed and these cost the laundry £53 per skip in collection charges. Additionally the skips were often overflowing, creating a nuisance and potential hazard.

The eventual solution was to compact the rubbish into bales, using a 3100 baler supplied by Orwak Linley.This has not only stopped the rubbish becoming a nuisance but also reduced the handling charges as bales now fit into just one skip which is roughly three-quarters full. Indeed the savings in costs will repay the machine’s cost in about six months.

Tel: 01202 665177