CLEAN 2017
Big news from Lavatec at Clean 2017 is the introduction of a new ride-on shuttle for large operations, which offers the ability for the operater to control washers, dryers and rail system from the safety of the cockpit. According to Lavatec president Mark Thrasher the newcomer allows faster operator response, greater flexibility in production enabling the operator to interact with the equipment to an up to now unprecedented level.
“Previous auto systems might typically be transferring linen from 9-10 washer extractors to a bank of dryers opposite, laboriously moving the length of the installation to arrive at the first machine to stop when really the more important load to deal with might be at the beginning of the line.
The ride on shuttle allows the operator to make the decision and become involved –in effect taking ownershipof the process.” This leads to better productivity, he says, and this has been recognised by one of the big names in US commercial laundry. “We have just sold the first one to CINTAS new-build laundry in Yonkers, New York."
Also new at the show from Lavatec is its osLaundry software which provides “highly accurate and reproducible control technology that offers reliable and safe data and storage”.
Thrasher also spoke of the recent tie up with Girbau. “There is very little overlap between the companies so this means big advantages gobally in terms of sales and marketing and extends the product lines of both parties.”