The Textile Care Allied Trades Association’s 2014 annual management and education conference will have "Taking Charge of Change" as its theme.

The event, which takes place on 30 April to 3 May at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, Florida. Speakers will look at various approaches to changing business methods.

Noah Rickun, former CEO of Train One, an online interactive sales training and personal development company, will talk about "Principles of Sales Greatness" including issues that affect customer loyalty and overall sales.

In "Your Business, Your Future", author Gene Marks, who also owns and operates a business technology and consulting service, will discuss how to use the right tools and technologies to become more efficient, productive and profitable.

Former TCATA president David Dawson asks: "Is Self-Service Better Service?" and explains why he believes more businesses will move in this direction rather than increasing the number of services they offer.