Alpha Laundry Systems has been called in by Crystal Palace Football Club to assess the club’s needs and make recommendations on laundry equipment for use at the club’s new training ground at Godstone in Surrey.
Laundry staff at the training ground are faced with washing up to 120 football kits and towels every day and therefore, says Peter Henley of Alpha Laundry Systems, need laundry equipment that they can rely on.
Following a site meeting, Alpha Laundry Systems recommended two Nyborg washer-extractors, two tumble dryers and a hydro-extractor. The two 1803E washer-extractors each have a wash capacity of 23 kg and are microprocessor controlled. The two 500T tumble dryers are electrically-heated.
The laundry staff are delighted with the equipment and find it very easy to use. “Our experience of the reliability of Nyborg machines was a deciding factor in offering them to such a prestigious customer as Crystal Palace FC,” says Mr Henley.