“In 2008 we embarked on a business re-engineering project,” Elaine Butler, sales director, Textile Care, told LCN.

She explains that the project looked at profitability in both linen and workwear. It reviewed pricing, considering current levels and the level the company wanted to give customers the service they deserved.

The result at the London plants, was that some customers were lost. Butler continues: “ that allowed us to consolidate our capacity in Balham.”

She insists there is no change in the service. “We are continuing linen at Balham and workwear. However, on the back of this exercise, we are moving food service business to Bristol, which as an ADAS approved site is better for customers.”

Asked about the number of job losses that the London consolidation will cause, Nick Green divisional operations director Cannon Hygiene, Consumables and Textile Care, says consultation is in progress. He will not comment on numbers but adds that Cannon is part of the OCS group, which has an operational presence in London and the company would always look to find suitable alternative employment for staff put at risk.