Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, is purchasing the linen services division of Mohawk Medbuy Corporation (MMC), Burlington, Ontario, according to a report from TRSA, the North American linen rental trade association. Mohawk Medbuy and Ecotex are working to ensure a seamless service handoff on 29 February.
The sale follows a competitive process facilitated by a third-party and conducted in collaboration with MMC members. The outcome meets the criteria Mohawk Medbuy established at the outset to ensure continued employment for its employees at its Hamilton, Ontario, linen processing facility, and long-term service commitments to the hospitals and other customers it supports. Divesting its linens business will allow MMC to focus on its growing, national healthcare supply-chain services.
“We’re thrilled that MMC and their hospitals selected Ecotex based on the value, quality and savings we offer,” said Ecotex president and CEO Bryan Bartsch. “We look forward to having the 200-plus person team in Hamilton become part of the Ecotex family and to delivering our high standard of service to our new customers. To ensure that, we’re making infrastructure investments to the Hamilton facility this year, including a new tunnel washer, press, shuttle and dryer system.”
MMC is a national, not-for-profit, shared services organisation that supports hundreds of healthcare providers across Canada, as well as child welfare agencies and other public sector organisations.