CLEAN 2017
As well as showcasing new product and services, Clean 2017 fulfilled its educational remit with a full programme of seminars. The sessions, presented by the Textile Rental Service Association of America (TRSA) and four other industry association show sponsors, were led by experts in all facets of the textile care industry. The seminars, which would normally have attracted a charge, were included in the show’s registration fee, a beneficial bonus to attendees.
“We had a great show in Las Vegas,” says TRSA president and CEO Joseph Ricci. “I want to thank everyone involved with making this a successful exhibition for both attendees and exhibitors.”
TRSA sponsored nine of the educational seminars during Clean 2017 and Ricci reports capacity or near-capacity crowds for all of them, singling out one as an example, he comments: “The start-up module for example, attracted so much interst people were sitting in the floor.
Also fielding seminars and workshops were the Association for Linen Management (ALM), Coin Laundry Association (CLA), Drycleaning and Laundry Institute (DLI) and Textile Care Allied Trades Association (TCATA).
LUNCHING OUT: A TRSA lunchtime session called on women to fulfill their potential as managers in the textile care industry