The introduction of EU PPE Regulation 2016/425 has seen a huge leap in the demand for EU type examination certificates from Notified Body SATRA, the independent research and testing organisation with technical facilities in Europe and China serving customers throughout the world.

With Notified Body locations in the UK and the Irish Republic, the demand for SATRA certificates to the new PPE Regulation has grown considerably and since the introduction of the new legislation in April, SATRA has issued 1,200 certificates, more than double the 570 certificates issued during the same period last year.

“Demand has been high both in Ireland and the UK,” said Austin Simmons, SATRA chief executive. “However, we anticipated this and recruited and trained a number of new assessors in both countries before the Regulation came into force. This means that we are able to cope with the higher throughput.”

Simmons added: “Having a Notified Body in the Republic of Ireland, an EU 27 State, means we are future-proofed regarding UK Brexit issues. We intend to maintain our UK Notified Body for as long as possible but if necessary will transition customers over to the Irish company when the UK withdraws from the EU.” Details here

From April this year, everyone involved in the manufacture, supply and distribution of PPE, is now referred to as ‘Economic Operators’ and are legally responsible to ensure products comply with standards, according to Neil Hewitt, divisional director of quality and technical standards at Arco Safety.

His comments – in an article “New PPE Regulations see the most significant change in 20 years” – cover the PPE Directive and what everyone in the supply chain must now do in order to be compliant. It can be read here at Safety & Health Practitioner