Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited Johnsons Apparelmaster in Leeds on Monday 8 February to officially open the company’s state-of-the-art workwear plant.

The largest of its kind in Europe, the £8.5million industrial laundry at Riverside in Leeds employs 171 staff and has the capacity to process food industry garments, industrial garments, dust control mats and cabinet towels.

The Princess Royal was greeted by Johnsons Apparelmaster managing director Peter Egan, general manager Nigel Evans and the vice chairman of Leeds City Council Christopher Townsley and his wife, former Mayoress Margaret Townsley.

The Princess Royal met the Johnson Service Group board and was introduced to the Leeds plant management team. HRH then had a tour of the plant, to learn how the facility functioned and to see the different types of work undertaken.

To mark the occasion, Peter Egan invited The Princess Royal to officially declare the plant open and sign the company guest book. Longstanding customer service executive Colin Glover presented her with a bouquet of flowers to celebrate the memorable day.

Johnsons Apparelmaster has previously had two plants opened by The Princess Royal at locations in Perth and Hull, in 1991 and 1996 respectively.

OFFICIAL OPENING: Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal officially opened Johnsons Apparelmaster in Leeds on Monday 8 February