The Textile Services Association (TSA) spring conference heard CEO David Stevens talking about hands across the water, in this case the Atlantic. Before ceding the stage to Joe Ricci of the TRSA, he said: “In summary, laundry in the States is no different to laundry in the UK or Europe so to tell you about some of the areas we are going to build on with the TRSA is Joe Ricci its president and CEO.

“We recently held the National Associations meeting in Bern, (which included European associations under the collective ETSA banner) and it was at this meeting it was agreed to set up a central funding pot for joint research and development. This is a positive initiative for us and Joe. By working together we do deliver more, not just financially but also from a buy-in prospective,” said Stevens.

Ricci, who heads up the influential North America linen rental association took to the stage to tell delegates he has been working with the TSA f or 13 years and that the two associations have a lot in common. He explained how TRSA has developed a certification system and methodology for linen rental operations. TRSA quantifies the industry’s commitment to cleanliness and sustainability through its Clean Green and Hygienically Clean Certification programmes. as well as its professional qualification Certified Professional Laundry Manager (CPLM) designation.

Ricci also said it is campaigning hard get passed into federal law a requirement that enough reusable PPE is to be provided to the US healthcare sector, thence eliminating in future any scenario where supplies of disposable PPE ran out earl on as happened during Covid. While in the UK, Ricci has heard that in New York both Democrats and Republicans have voted to put this in place. “After that we should see that happen in California and elsewhere.” Although he admitted they wouldn’t get to the hoped 50% of all states.

TSA supported by the TRSA, has been collaborating with De Montfort University to support its research into subjects relevant to hygiene management in the commercial laundry industry, including comparisons with the domestic and OPL markets.