With the vaccine programme gathering speed, incidents of covid-19 infection declining, the Government’s road map to re-opening out there, buds appearing on the trees and the daffodils emerging as we head into early spring, there is a real sense of new beginnings just around the corner. Let’s hope we will really see the green shoots of recovery very soon.


Kathy Bowry, LCNi editor, is eager to hear from manufacturers, suppliers and operators who would like to be included in the APRIL UK edition features, below. For these, she is looking for around 400 words – a mix of quotes from the company experts and product/services information and relevant photographs. Case studies that illustrate the benefits of the products/services are also of interest to our readers. She is also interested in your particular take on the current market and anything you feel readers would be interested in learning about.

Water heating solutions

We will be looking at what is available, from whom and the advantages of different solutions for large and small operations. Whether it is a traditional steam boiler or solutions that fit with lower temp washing; more localised siting of individual heater units and the impact of renewables in the laundry water heating process. Maybe there is news of cutting edge technology so far unknown that will revolutionise processes and efficiencies and cut costs. What is best for tunnel washer and/or washer extractors? New developments, legislation compliance…all comment is welcome. Operators and installers  – maybe you have experiences to share on this subject?

Copy deadline Monday 15 March – send to



Drycleaning and wetcleaning solvents/chemicals

We would be interested to hear about what is new and effective in this area, what practices are trending /becoming more mainstream and what customers are asking for? Are they interested in ‘green’? What should operators be ordering in/training on before the post-lockdown rush on weddings and events, not to mention a return to office work (hopefully). And case studies are very welcome along with hi -res photographs.

Copy deadline Monday 15 March – send to



Hospitality uniforms – linen rental

Just maybe with the carrot of hospitality re-opening waving in front of our noses there has been a surge of interest from the catering sector in new uniforms for a new beginning. Kathy would love to know about what is happening out there. Maybe businesses are holding back on ordering news as so many uniforms will have been unused for such a length of time. Is it make-do-and-mend? What do you have that will spur them on to order new ranges to follow new trends?

Copy deadline Monday 15 March – send to




Kathy would also welcome news stories and updates from operators and suppliers which she can run on the website, in our popular newsletters and in the magazine itself. Please supply press releases with a hi-res photo.

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