Xeros Technology Group, the UK-based developer and provider of water saving technologies with multiple commercial applications, and fanute, a solution provider to the hospitality industry, have announced the shipment of 16 washing machines to the drought-inflicted Cape Province region of South Africa. The machines, supplied through Xeros’ commercial laundry division, recently renamed Hydrofinity, replace water with its reusable and recyclable polymer XOrb technology.

XOrbs are said to deliver up to an 80% reduction in water use and material reductions in both energy and detergent, whilst delivering a superior cleaning result compared to traditional cleaning by absorbing stains and stray dye as well as extending linen life.

Xeros’ technology will be delivered into the South African market by fanute as the sole distributor for Hydrofinity near-waterless laundry systems in South Africa.

Cape Town is just one region where drought has led to a permanent change in water consumption being legislated, creating increased demand for Xeros’ sustainability credentials in geographic markets that can no longer ignore issues around water scarcity.

This is the first of several large shipments expected to be sent in the next two months to Hydrofinity-approved distribution partners in countries with high water stress and high water cost.

“Our near-waterless technology will bring huge sustainability benefits as climate change and a rapidly growing population place enormous stress on South Africa’s water resources,” said Mike Ferrand, Hydrofinity MD. “We are now starting to make significant shipments of Xeros machines around the world. As businesses struggle with stringent restrictions on water use, our award-winning solution offers a sustainable alternative with significant competitive advantages.

“Around the world, governments and utility companies are beginning to use water pricing and taxes to reflect the need to reduce water consumption and we are ideally placed to help commercial customers minimise their water usage and cost.”

WATER COST: Water collection at Newlands natural spring Cape Town, South Africa