Peter Webster will lead Initial Cleaning Services into the next millennium after being appointed the company’s new managing director.

Mr Webster, who was previously in charge of the division’s operations in Scotland and Northern Ireland, will now head the entire company which has branches across the UK and employs more than 32 000 people. Mr Webster, who has been involved in the cleaning industry for more than 17 years, trained as a quantity surveyor before making the move into management.

He said: “I’m very proud of my appointment and also to have the opportunity to extend the achievments of a company which is already the recognised market leader.

“I will be looking to build upon Initial Cleaning Services’ reputation as an innovator in terms of the way it trains and manages its staff, as well as leading the way in introducing new ideas and techniques into the industry such as robotics and information technology.

“There are going to be a lot of challenges ahead, but I believe this is an exciting time for the company and I’m looking forward to continuing to extend the quality and reliability of service for which the company is widely regarded.”