CINET, the International Committee of Professional Textile Care, is an umbrella association pulling together national organisations for the professional textile care industry. The organisation’s World Congress and Global Best Practice Awards 2024 (GBPA24), 8-9 November in Frankfurt, runs alongside Texcare 2024. GBPA24 winners and participants can capitalise on the publicity the event generates worldwide to boost business, said Cinet.

“True entrepreneurs develop a sense for new business. Also, in changing markets, entrepreneurs follow new directions and invest in new opportunities. Participation in the Cinet Global Best Practices Awards Program has proven to be a fantastic tool to focus on optimising your business performance. Over the past 10 years, 750 professional textile care (PTC) companies participated and achieved to be rewarded with an Official PTC Nominee Certificate for performing their services according to international standards of best practices. Delivering the best quality and the best sustainability at low cost” said Peter Wennekes of Cinet.

“International research proves over and over again that high quality in PTC processing and services are the most important business factors. So, all participants are winners in and for the industry, because they provide services where customers and societies can rely on.

Wennekes explains that PTC companies who communicate their participation and success have demonstrated to be even more successful. Please find below an example of a company that has done that with great extra success. They received great PR by radio, national journals, social media, clients, and so on. Where the industry is not normally recognised by these media at all, all of a sudden, mainstream media attention with exposure to millions of contacts was realised.

“It is excellent PR for the industry and this also supports the turnover of the companies directly involved,”said Wennekes.

On request of many participants Cinet has developed a workshop on the principles of Best Practices and tips to prepare a successful application for participation in Global Best Practices Awards Competition 2024.

The first online workshop, Best Practices, Best Nominees, is scheduled for 23 April, next at 15.00 hrs. CET live. The next workshops are scheduled for 28 May and 2 July at 15.00 CET.

Free registration for companies planning participation. Please inform the secretariat and they will send the links. Afterwards, the recorded workshop will be available on the Cinet website in 100-plus languages.

• Read more about CINET World Congress and Global Best Practice Awards 2024 in the upcoming May edition of LCNi.