Although the closing date for the registrations in the CINET Global Best Practices Awards 2024 (GBPA 24) is still a few months away, the first registrations of retail textile cleaners and industrial laundries are coming in to the Cinet secretariat. This is a result of a first mailing of invitations earlier this year. Over the next months the secretariat will follow up with personal invitations and networking.

Registrations so far include companies who have participated before, newcomers and registrations for the national events. Applications are announced in all categories and from all parts of the world. Country coordinators will be supporting this process by sending invitations and assuring follow-up in an increasing number of countries. They can provide more information and are receiving a good response.

Tool for business development
The PTC industry has great ambitions, but in many cases appreciate more support, as far as development of new opportunities is concerned. Changing markets and customer demands, new innovations, new requirements for more sustainability in processing and incoming young labour, lead to New Business Development at an incredible pace. GBPA 24 is the perfect tool to support that, says Cinet.

Greek Best Practices Awards 24: 13 May
The Pan Hellenique Association for Retail
& Carpet Cleaners has decided to organise its Greek Best Practices Awards, 24 on
13 May.

The event will be staged in Athens and streamed online for the participation of textile and carpet cleaners in a four hour programme. Industrial laundries can register for the GBPA24 via the Cinet secretariat. Participants can register in the categories Retail Small & Big, as well as Carpet Cleaning. The presentations will be in English and Greek. Winners will be congratulated at the end of the session.

Kick-off for Growth Hacker Award
The kick-off for the Growth Hacker Award initiative was organised online and took place 26 March. More than 20 registrations have been noted so far from all parts of the world for this chance to win €20,000 investment. Following on, there will be three or four online meetings and one personal meeting at the HQ of Electrolux Professional in Sweden this summer.

At the first session in March, the initiative was explained by Leon Wennekes who is coordinating this project on behalf of Cinet. At this online meeting the working methodology and the criteria for evaluation by the independent members of the international jury was explained. The application template, which has been made available for all participants, will be required by 10 September at the latest at the Cinet secretariat.

Cultural & company visits around World Congress
The World Comngress and  GBPAP  24 event is expected to be visited by hundreds of professionals from all over the world. Many countries have already announced that delegations will attend the programme. These delegations in many cases come from long distances and are travelling many hours.

Therefore Cinet is setting up a balanced program of company and cultural visits to see European/German PTC operations as well as cultural heritage icons.

A number of options for visits will be planned for 5 and 10 November. The exact programme will be communicated later in April. If you are interested, please consider these options in your planning for an unforgettable visit to Frankfurt, Germany.

CINET website answers all your questions
The Cinet website has now transitioned to a new, more modern and stylish look. Over the years an extensive database was built and made available for members and industry professionals from all over the world. It took quite an effort to organise this transition and we are aware it may have caused people some problems over this period, for which we apologise.

The new modern styling provides easier access to data, better understanding of content and better facilitates access to events, the Business School and International CERCLEAN® Certification. This year, all data on the Cinet World Congress will be presented via the website, before, during and after the event.