The international textile industry is ready to look to the future at Techtextil and Texprocess from 23 to 26 April 2024. These two leading trade fairs are hotspots for innovations, textile solutions and networking. With over 1,600 exhibitors from around 50 countries, Techtextil and Texprocess reflect the extraordinary degree of innovation prevailing in the sectors.
Innovation, research, an exchange of ideas and information, inspiration and successful business transactions – these are the promises made to the international industry by Techtextil and Texprocess in Frankfurt am Main. The large number of exhibitor registrations – mre than 1,600 from around 50 countries – confirms the relevance of the two trade fairs for the textile sector, says the organizer, Messe Frankkfurt. There, companies can look forward to meeting buyers and top decision makers from 95 (Techtextil 2022) and 86 (Texprocess 2022) countries. In addition to familiar and high-grade formats, such as the Techtextil Innovation Award and the Texprocess Innovation Award, as well as the Techtextil Forum and the Texprocess Forum, the coming editions will be distinguished by several new special areas, e.g., the Nature Performance area and the Future Materials special show at Techtextil, and the Denim Hub and an Emerging Markets area at Texprocess.
“The sectors are undergoing a rapid process of change. Participants at Techtextil and Texprocess will have the opportunity to stay in tune with the times, to present innovations to an audience of experts from all over the world and to find new solutions and business partners”, says Olaf Schmidt, Vice President Textiles & Textile Technologies, Messe Frankfurt.
The spectrum of textile solutions presented at Techtextil is unparalleled worldwide, says Messe Frankfurt. Visitors can discover an extraordinary range of products in twelve areas of application, which are used in many different industries – from automotive to fashion, and from medicine to construction. The latest developments in fibres and yarns, nonwovens, composites, coated textiles, technologies, etc., will be presented by companies at Techtextil, in many cases for the first time in public. The companies registered to date include Carrington Textiles (Great Britain), Concordia Textiles (Belgium), Datacolor (Belgium), Everest Textile (Taiwan), Franz Miederhoff (Germany), Groz-Beckert (Germany), Kuraray (Japan), Kusumgar Corporates (India), Outlast Technologies (Germany), Sandler (Germany), Tanatex Chemicals (Netherlands) and Textilcolor (Switzerland).
Information about the international textile industry and Messe Frankfurt's global textile trade fairs can be found at www.texpertisenetwork.messefrankfurt.com.