David Hart, past master and treasurer of the Worshipful Company of Launderers, honorary secretary of the Whitsters Club and secretary of the Society of Laundry Engineers and Allied Trades (SLEAT), passed away peacefully on Sunday 7 June, aged 76. He leaves his wife, Jane, and stepdaughter to Eve, mother of his granddaughter Elouise.

David is pictured on the right of the photograph with his friend David Pantlin, Bates of London, former Livery Master of the Worshipful Company of Launderers, at the Lord Mayor’s Procession in the City of London.

John Shonfeld, managing director of Tibard, and another former Master of the Worshipful Company of Launderers, writes: “Over the 25 years I have known David I have always been aware of the work he has undertaken for the Worshipful Company and the extra mile he has gone when things needed to be done either as chair of the Benevolent Fund committee or in his job as treasurer, which as an accountant he was eminently suitable for. David always ensured we were informed of the financial information and he worked hard to run the finances of the Livery.

“David and Jane also ran the Red Cross market stall for the Worshipful Company at the Guildhall, and my wife Sue and I helped them for many years as did many others. It was always great that Jane kept us supplied with well-filled glasses of red wine and nibbles to keep us going on the long November evenings.

“David was also secretary of the Whitsters, the 90-year-old laundry luncheon club with events held quarterly. A keen theatre fan, David and Jane were both active members of The Players Victorian Music Hall company. David arranged for many of his friends from the company to entertain us at our special lunches and he was excellent at chivvying us up with our responses.

David loved walking in Austria and visited Salzburg with Jane most years in the summer when the mountains are at their greatest beauty. He was a quiet person and a gentleman who touched many of our lives in a way we will never forget. He will be much missed by all who knew him.”

Ken Cupitt of the Guild of Cleaners and Launderers added: “David, as well as being Worshipful Company of Launderers’ Treasurer, Chair of the Benevolence Committee, past master 2002/2003 and treasurer of SLEAT, was a keen member of two ‘adjacent’ Past Masters Association -– The Jubilee PMA & The Coronation Masters PMA, but it was the Jubilee Association that he was most active in and where his wife, Jane, became secretary.

“I understand that because our Master’s installation date was originally June, our Master could join either or both PMAs for that ‘year’ of office, it appears that David and Jane chose to join both the PMAs. They seemed to have enjoyed ‘City’ life.”

The funeral is scheduled for Tuesday, 2 July. David, who was both an AFC Wimbledon and a Sutton United fan will have his coffin draped with his scarves. Jane and David were both passionate football fans. Jane told LCN: “It would have been nice if David had lived to see another football match, but it was not to be.”

“We all at LCN extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to Jane and her family,” writes editor Kathy Bowry. “The news made me very sad and I was thinking about his achievements and all the good he has done for the industry, and his dedication to it. Also, on a personal note, he and Jane were so kind to me when I came along to Whitsters as a newcomer and I won't forget that.”

Due to Covid-19 restrictions the funeral will be attended by a small number of family and close friends with current Master of the Worshipful Company, Major Jack Strachan MBE, representing David’s many friends and colleagues in the company and the industry as a whole.

Jane expressed gratitude and thanks for the many cards and calls, as well as flowers, she has received since David’s death. She has, however, requested no flowers for the funeral but if people would like to donate to the Worshipful Company Benevolent Fund, that would be in keeping with David’s wish to do good in the industry he loved.

For further information, or a Gift Aid form, please contact the Benevolent Fund at